Teresa Ossowska


In 1981 I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw.
In 1989 I obtained a specialization-degree in Clinical Psychotherapy.
For over 40 years I lead individual therapy, family, people with emotional problems and health.
Until 2002 I treated addicted and codependent people in an integrated way. I led Daily and
Outpatient Addiction Treatment.
Since 2002 I am working with Systemic Constellations method.
The last twenty years I have been focused on the treatment of people with mental and physical issues, as well as the treatment of pregnant women.
I've had successfully conducted therapies with people addicted to chemical substances (alcohol, drugs), addicted
to sex, people with anxiety disorders, people with depressive disorders, eating disorders,
treatment of pregnant women and children in the womb of mothers and correction of defects
and developmental disorders of children and a few teenage (eg. Cleft palate and upper lip;
phobias related to spiders)
Professional trainings:

  postgraduate training in the field of methods of working with alcoholics and their families; I have a certified addiction specialist psychotherapy

  2-year training in neuro-linguistic programming

  2-year training in psychotherapy process-oriented,

  training on "Methods for Self-Esteem Martin Bush"; (work with the body integrates
hypnosis and the Feldenkrais method)

  4 years of training of Peak States therapy method,

  I learned Voice Dialogue method by Dr. Anna Winnicka

  Over the period 1998-2005 I participate in training courses in the field of family therapy
and hypnotherapy in Polish Erickson Institute in Lodz.


Professional trainings on Systemic Constellations:

  In 2001-2003, I finished first in Poland 2-year systematic training on Systemic
Constellations system, organized by the Polish Institute of Erickson.

  The method of Systemic Constellations system I learned about the two two-year cycles of
training organized by the Polish Institute of Erickson and numerous workshops conducted
by Bert Hellinger, Wolf Buntiga, Maria Sentfleben Gudrich, Ilse and Jacob Schneiderów,
Wictoria Schnabel, Gunthard Weber, Ursula Franke, Gerhard Walper, Wolfgang Deusser (
over 500 hours of training).

The most commonly used method of work:


It means, that I bring the client into deep level of relaxation, at least on the theta brainwaves
or deeper. As a result, there is a reduction in tension in the body and the cleaning the

organelles of the client's stem cell is possible. As a result of this cleansing, the regeneration
and activation of energy factories, i.e. mitochondria, takes place at the cellular level.


The Time Line Method is the metaphor of the present, past and future of the human. Thanks
to this method the client can go back to the traumatic event from the past, when the negative
believe blocking his developing took place and change it using the adult`s perspective.

An Example:

The women disappointed with her appearance, can go back to the situation, when she got
such believe of herself. The women goes back to the moment, when her younger sister was
born and everyone was fascinated with the new born baby. After researching this situation, it
turns out, the client copied her father`s fascination of her younger sister

The Time Line Method is very helpful , when the client has to make important decision which
will influence their future. With the support of the therapist and in healing field, client can be
helped with the decision making process about his professional situation, planned internships,
fields of study, development directions, property purchase and any other decisions.


The work with the use of this methods includes ancestry role, the country of origin,
meaningful events which influence the next generations. The change takes place at the soul
level - at the family level system. I lead: potential and resource settings, life path, prenatal
period; family and organizational settings.

In my work, I combine the method of system settings with mitochondrial therapy, healing
intern structure on the biological level. Thereby the system settings give the results at the
biological level.


Voice dialogue with the personalities, aspects, customers symptoms, allows the customers to
access to the inside information about themselves. Understanding the experience of the
information contained in the arduous and subtle symptoms and including them in the area of
the conscious ego leads the customer to greater harmony of personality and increase self-


Method, allowing for quick and painless treatment of trauma in the "here and now" through
the treatment of lesions in the cell parent. Working with the client`s stem cell has a practical
application: trauma oriented work, post-traumatic stress disorder.


Illness as an optimal choice of the unconsciousness allowing to resolve the conflict at the
level of the body by the increase or the decrease of cells, enhancement or impairment of a
function. Total Biology focuses on asking the right questions that allow the patient to get
pushed to the subconscious content, get aware of deeply hidden emotions, beliefs, internal
conflicts and thus, remove from the subconscious conflicts that cause the symptoms of the


Man is the essence of energy. The disease is associated with impaired flow of vital energy in a
particular area of the body. Ways of improving the flow of energy depends on human
consciousness. Each process includes the tree of life, which are the basis for the creation of
the "sacred geometry". The man - his personality depends on the impacts in each other areas
of the body, the brain sensory, emotional and behavioral.


"Medicine Wheel" is the knowledge of our ancestors applicable today, universal for people of different cultures, religions and traditions. This method reflects the knowledge of the universe and of the human soul. The Medicine Wheel heal emotional patterns blocking recovery at different levels of the energy structure of the human person, I restore harmony and balance in the human biological structures at the cellular level.


Teresa Ossowska
phone: +48 608 529 968
e-​mail: aditus @ adi​tus​.pl