You will find here soon a variety of interesting news in the field of health, psychotherapy, tp.
Currently, you can read the articles of our therapists ...
... or read some of the book:
Bert Hellinger, "We're leaving fulfilled. Love and death.", Publisher- CZARNA OWCA, Warsaw 2009; all items devoted to family constellations
Omra Aivanhov "Education begins before birth", Publisher- Provesta
Omra Aivanhov "The real work of the mother during pregnancy," Publisher- Provesta
Omra Aivanhov "Yoga diet", Publisher- Provesta
Gerard Athias "Programs Family thy diseases", Publisher- Virgo Publishing
Bruce Lipton, "The Biology of Belief. Free the power of consciousness, matter and miracles." , Publisher- TU i TERAZ 2010
Ilse Kutschera, Christie Schaeffler "I do not know what it is to me. The use Family Settings to treat patients.", Publisher- Sursum 2002
Alexander Lowen "Love, Sex and the heart," Publisher- CZARNA OWCA
Alexander Lowen "The fear of life" , Publisher- CZARNA OWCA
Anne Schützenberger "The Ancestor Syndrome", 1998
Rupert Sheldrake "A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative causation", Los Angeles 1981
Rupert Sheldrake "Extraordinary ability of our animals" , Book Publishing and Knowledge 2001