Systemic constellation workshop „Why do children go through illnesses and what can cure them? What do children’s illnesses say about their soul and the family?” 24 th May 2025

This workshop is addressed to parents whose children often fall ill and remain ill for a long time. During our workshop, we want to convince the contestants that medical conditions often result from psychological conflicts in their families’ histories. The child’s medical condition results from the way the child copes with these conflicts.

About the workshop:

We invite you to the workshop addressed to physicians and parents of children suffering from:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections (pharyngitis, tonsillitis or bronchitis)
  • Skin disorders (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, foot and nail mycosis, etc.)
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhoea, constipation, etc.)
  • We also work with (grand-)children suffering from other conditions.

All children are committed to maintaining their family relations and contributing to their survival. The child ensures the stability of the parents’ health and binds parents together.

Children in multicultural families combine the cultures of both parents and the conflicts that occur when these cultures clash with one another. Children of Jewish and Catholic descent carry the conflicts that had occurred between the religions of their parents. Such children inherit all conflicts that had occurred between their parents’ relatives and their cultures within 18 months before fertilisation, around the time of fertilisation, during pregnancy, birth and within the first 12 months of their lives.
These conflicts have a considerable impact on children.

The sense of belonging to a given culture and lineage make us immensely proud even though we only know a small percentage of the history of our families, countries and races.

The involvement of family members in conflicts is reflected in the souls, the psyches and the bodies of their offspring, who may suffer from autoimmune diseases or psychological disorders.

We are not familiar with the stories of our ancestors. We do not realize what events have been recorded by our own soul.

Diseases give us the opportunity to fill in the gaps in knowledge about ourselves and our family members. Diseases also bring us closer to the sick and to those who have been excluded by the family or feel excluded due to conflicts within their own souls. Depending on the nature of their relations with parents, children can bring parents closer to one another.

Children mean the world to their parents. Parents are often concerned about their children and embark on a self-development journey upon becoming parents.
If the parent is convinced that the child’s diseases are merely the result of physical factors, he or she will not have enough determination to explore the self.

All family issues are recorded in the biological structures of the body. Incest, paedophilia, separation, alcoholism and other disorders are recorded in the biological structures of the body – In stem cells, in particular organs and in the blood.

The following examples show information about the self or family members that patients find particularly difficult to come to terms with:

  • Nobody in our family profited from prostitution or war.
  • It’s impossible that a brother could feel physically attracted to his sister.
  • Grandpa couldn’t have been a thief.

24th May 2025, Saturday 10:00-18:00


  Prepayment of 400 PLN at least 14 days before the date of the workshop is required. The prepayment is not eligible for a refund if the participant cancels less than 48h before the workshop.
  Adherence to the therapeutic contract (discretion, respecting other participants’ privacy and data, refraining from using alcohol and drugs).
  Participants who have not previously worked with Teresa Ossowska are required to book a private paid session – either in-person or online – with one of our centre's therapists.

 Active participants (i.e. people for whom a constellation is set up) are asked to confirm that neither them nor their close family members are participating in constellation workshop in the 2 week period before and after the workshop.<
  Participation in the entire workshop is required.