Mother-in-law’s shoes

If you are in the relationship in the second cycle of your life (beginning at the age of 49) you enter into […]

Sibling relationships

Sibling relationshipsSibling relationships are crucial during family therapy. We distinguish between the so-called “sick child” and “healthy child”.  When parents come to […]

Infer­ti­lity work

I work on various levels of the human being simul­ta­ne­ously. The healing work invo­lves deep regres­sion, from what had hap­pe­ned in the […]

10 XI 2017 Regain your strength

Workshop Description:We are pleased to inform you about our group operated in the Centre.The group is intended for people who are committed […]

9 IX 2017 Regain your strength

Workshop Description:We are pleased to inform you about our group operated in the Centre.The group is intended for people who are committed […]