Infer­ti­lity work

I work on various levels of the human being simul­ta­ne­ously. The healing work invo­lves deep regres­sion, from what had hap­pe­ned in the family soul 2–3 years before the child was con­ce­ived, to con­cep­tion, pre­gnancy, deli­very, chil­dhood, the various life cyc­les recre­ated by the child thro­ugh its loy­alty to the family clan, all the way to the child’s soul memory.
Wor­king with young parents and pre­gnant women, I focus on the moment of con­cep­tion, healing family trauma that can be recor­ded in the child’s struc­ture as deve­lop­men­tal defects, spe­ech impe­di­ments, or „dif­fi­cul­ties” of various nature and intensity.

The moment of deli­very affects the child’s appro­ach to all life aspects – rela­tion­ships, begin­ning and com­ple­ting pro­jects, atti­tude to time, cho­ices, habits, spi­ri­tu­ality, etc.
I work with the model of the pri­mary human energy sys­tem, using the Wheel of Medi­cine. The Wheel of Medi­cine con­ta­ins the know­ledge of our ance­stors that rema­ins of great use today, and is uni­ver­sal across cul­tu­res, reli­gions and tra­di­tions. It is a method reflec­ting the uni­verse and the human soul. Within the Wheel of Medi­cine, I heal emo­tio­nal pat­terns that block healing on various levels of the human energy struc­ture, and I har­mo­nize and balance the body’s bio­lo­gi­cal struc­tu­res on the cel­lu­lar level.
I also employ the healing power of plants and mine­rals to rege­ne­rate the individual’s energy struc­ture.
I work with parents, with pre­gnant women, and with those plan­ning to con­ce­ive. My work with pre­gnant women invo­lves sup­por­ting the child’s deve­lop­ment in the mother’s womb. Each pre­gnancy com­pli­ca­tion is rela­ted to a spe­ci­fic cul­tu­ral, per­so­nal or fami­lial issue.

The more issues are recor­ded in the parents’ energy struc­ture and repro­duc­tive cells, the stron­ger the nega­tive influ­ence on the child’s deve­lop­ment.
Bur­de­ned by many issues, the pre­gnancy – or even con­cep­tion – beco­mes dif­fi­cult.
This kind of work is an alter­na­tive solu­tion to fer­ti­lity pro­blems.
All dif­fi­cult expe­rien­ces in the family history and in the child’s life may become recor­ded in the child’s energy struc­ture. All uncon­scious and repres­sed issues remain pre­sent in the family’s field. These inc­lude pro­grams of envy, rejec­tion, incest, psy­cho­sis, mur­der, auto­de­struc­tion, addic­tion, and others.
Infer­ti­lity in any family has a bio­lo­gi­cal pur­pose – pro­tec­ting the family aga­inst dif­fi­cult expe­rien­ces.
The key to dealing with infer­ti­lity pro­grams is reaching the „soul of the system/​family”, and the root issue that needs to be pro­ces­sed by the family „here and now” (e.g. accep­ting ille­gi­ti­mate chil­dren, chil­dren sent to orpha­na­ges; family secrets and taboos etc.).

In my cli­ni­cal prac­tice I also work with chil­dren of all ages that exhi­bit dys­func­tio­nal rela­tion­ships and pat­terns from the family system.

Since 2013, I have col­la­bo­ra­ted with Mał­go­rzata Kru­piń­ska, MA, a psy­cho­lo­gist spe­cia­li­zing in family and mari­tal coun­sel­ling.
The pur­pose of the work is to opti­mize the deve­lop­ment capa­bi­li­ties of the child, on all levels, inc­lu­ding biology.

Teresa Ossow­ska