I work on various levels of the human being simultaneously. The healing work involves deep regression, from what had happened in the family soul 2–3 years before the child was conceived, to conception, pregnancy, delivery, childhood, the various life cycles recreated by the child through its loyalty to the family clan, all the way to the child’s soul memory.
Working with young parents and pregnant women, I focus on the moment of conception, healing family trauma that can be recorded in the child’s structure as developmental defects, speech impediments, or „difficulties” of various nature and intensity.
The moment of delivery affects the child’s approach to all life aspects – relationships, beginning and completing projects, attitude to time, choices, habits, spirituality, etc.
I work with the model of the primary human energy system, using the Wheel of Medicine. The Wheel of Medicine contains the knowledge of our ancestors that remains of great use today, and is universal across cultures, religions and traditions. It is a method reflecting the universe and the human soul. Within the Wheel of Medicine, I heal emotional patterns that block healing on various levels of the human energy structure, and I harmonize and balance the body’s biological structures on the cellular level.
I also employ the healing power of plants and minerals to regenerate the individual’s energy structure.
I work with parents, with pregnant women, and with those planning to conceive. My work with pregnant women involves supporting the child’s development in the mother’s womb. Each pregnancy complication is related to a specific cultural, personal or familial issue.
The more issues are recorded in the parents’ energy structure and reproductive cells, the stronger the negative influence on the child’s development.
Burdened by many issues, the pregnancy – or even conception – becomes difficult.
This kind of work is an alternative solution to fertility problems.
All difficult experiences in the family history and in the child’s life may become recorded in the child’s energy structure. All unconscious and repressed issues remain present in the family’s field. These include programs of envy, rejection, incest, psychosis, murder, autodestruction, addiction, and others.
Infertility in any family has a biological purpose – protecting the family against difficult experiences.
The key to dealing with infertility programs is reaching the „soul of the system/family”, and the root issue that needs to be processed by the family „here and now” (e.g. accepting illegitimate children, children sent to orphanages; family secrets and taboos etc.).
In my clinical practice I also work with children of all ages that exhibit dysfunctional relationships and patterns from the family system.
Since 2013, I have collaborated with Małgorzata Krupińska, MA, a psychologist specializing in family and marital counselling.
The purpose of the work is to optimize the development capabilities of the child, on all levels, including biology.
Teresa Ossowska