Both nocturnal and daytime enuresis are types of involuntary urination. We consider the urinary incontinence to be the enuresis, when it happens to children of the age of 5 and above.
The adult nocturnal enuresis often takes a form of dribbling from the bladder and it happens more frequently to women. The involuntary urination is a loss of bladder control and happens despite the person’s intention, and yet this symptom plays an important role in the survival. It is biologically essential to urinate enough volume and in doing so to mark one’s territory. Animals, such as cats and dogs, urinate on the borders of their territory stating where they live. They do it always when they feel the need to mark the territory more clearly, especially when they are fighting over it.
Low intensity conflicts only induce urinary bladder inflammation or pain. The symptom of the involuntary urination only appears in the phase of the territorial conflict resolution, when the inner mucus wall of the bladder is recovering and ulcers appear. The active phase of the conflict (stress) remains undetected, and yet this is the time when the child or the adult has increased need to mark own territory. The organism increases the volume of the bladder during the active phase in order to collect more urine. This results in increased production of the cells of the internal wall of the bladder.
Let's take a look at the phase of the active conflict. Why a woman, a man or a child might need to emphasise the borders of the territory. Who is the intruder? A - yet to be born - bother or someone else? When did the child loose the control over the bladder? In other words, when did the child resolve the
territorial conflict for the first time? What was happening in the family at the time? Was the child scared about the mother? Was the mother scared of the father? If in fact the mother is scared of the father, what are the reasons for the wife to be scared of her own husband?
In general, we find in the history of the family figures behaving as if “the rest of the family is peeing themselves from the fear”. What happened to the grandmothers and the great grandmother in the night? Was the danger internal or external to the family? Where in the family were the situations in which the wet bedsheet was safer? What was going to happened and what was it preventing from? Looking through the symbolic lens the child is spilling the water (the mother) around and thus using the mother to protect itself.
Taking a look at the adult enuresis What is the adult person afraid of? What are they experiencing? In which relation it is difficult to mark own territory, both psychologically and biologically. Where such person excessively marks the territory? What is happening in the marriage or the partnership?
Who wants to dominate over them in the work relations? Who is the source of the indeterminate fear? In the family history it might have happened that urination saved someone's live.
For example the grandmother was being escorted by the constable to the neighbouring town. She didn’t know why and escaped under the pretext of going into the woods to pee, after returning to home, the constable pretended not to know her. This event, connected to avoiding the death, is then recorded in the strands of the DNA of the descendants and the granddaughter looses the control over the bladder when she is ”trapped or in danger”. She always urinates before travelling or confrontation, when she is “fighting to survive”. We wet ourselves (both children and adults) more often when there is danger and harshness in the family or lack of the understanding between a child and the father. The child is scared and have to mark the territory by the means of peeing, in order to strengthen the borders against the father. When the father, or another important and autorotative person, ridicules this behaviour the child is additionally hurt. The child's effort to defend its dignity and to straighten the boundaries is being ridiculed, stigmatized and scoffed at.
The adult who suffers form involuntary urination should wonder between whom she tries to mark the boundaries the most. Her conscious mind cannot know this, but the body knows precisely. Situations when problem of outlining the borders are problematic are for example: domestic violence, authoritative violence such as shouting, screaming, bossing around, expectations of complacence, hitting the child in the state of intoxication and being the witness or the victim of sexual violence. The ADITUS therapists treat the cases of the recurring nocturnal enuresis in the children, teens and adults.